сряда, 15 юни 2011 г.

For coffee addicts

I know how hard is for coffee addicts to stop drinking coffee.
 I was the same case. First few days you are tired, sleepy and in bad mood.
I used to drink it a lot mostly because of the smell and the taste.

But I found very healthy alternative of coffee and milk…

Bio non-coffee coffee (from barley and rye) & soya milk with vanilla.
Instead of sugar you can put honey, agave syrup or stevia

You can drink it either hot or cold. It’s always delicious. There is no quantity limit.

One more please J

1 коментар:

  1. i love your blog! i have too just recently started a health blog with my friend, i'm going to list you on our site i hope you dont mind!

    i was once a coffee drinker (for about 3-4 mths) i did love the taste and always had alteast 1.5-2 heaped teaspoons of sugar (so bad i know) but i weened off it with green tea and i feel great about it now!
